Eddie, now known lovingly as “Ahole Eddie,” had a rough start in life and the one-year-old dog found himself in a shelter. The Humane Society of Wichita Country made a post to find his forever home, which did get some likes and comments from followers. The spoke about how he was just a nervous little guy who needs some time to warm up to other dogs.
Fast forward two weeks later: The rescue posted about Eddie again…. But had a much different review after that short period of time. With some tough love (and laughs,) the shelter posted that Eddie was straight up an a$$hole, and they wanted the tiny 17-pound terror out of there because he was scaring the big dogs.
The post quickly went viral, with almost 4,700 likes, 6,500 comments, and a staggering 87,000 shares! Eddie ended up being adopted by a patient pair Linda Brooks and her daughter Taryn. They also started Facebook and TikTok profiles for Eddiw, which have already racked up over 45,000 followers in just a couple of weeks.
While now living a happy life in his forever home – Eddie never forgot where he came from. So in the spirit of Christmas, he’s using his pet influencer status to get donations for a photo with the viral star.
But judging by his reputation with his fellow canines there, it seems it was mainly human fans lining up for a photo lol.
For more cigarette runs and charity events, make sure to follow @aholeeddie on Facebook and TikTok.