Former WWE talent breaks silence after AEW debut

July 2024 · 4 minute read

Former WWE Superstar Inder Mundi, who previously wrestled under the moniker of Sareena Sandhu, broke her silence after making her debut for AEW on the March 8 episode of Dark Elevation.

Inder Mundi faced off against the current Ring of Honor (ROH) Women’s World Champion Athena in her AEW debut match. While Mundi's AEW debut may have come as a surprise to some, she is not new to the wrestling business.

As mentioned earlier, Mundi previously wrestled as Sareena Sandhu on the WWE Superstar Spectacle show in January 2021, which was a special event celebrating the company’s Indian talents. She teamed up with Charlotte Flair to score a victory over Bayley and Natalya in a tag match.

Following her AEW debut, Mundi took to Twitter to express her gratitude and appreciation to the fans who congratulated her on her debut match. She thanked the fans for their support and wrote, “Thank you!"

Check out her tweet below:

In recent years, the wrestling world has seen a rise in diversity and representation, with All Elite Wrestling taking the lead by including wrestlers from all over the globe.

The new AEW star wasn't supposed to make her debut on the WWE Superstar Spectacle

The WWE Superstar Spectacle event featured many Indian superstars, including former talent Inder Mundi (fka Sareena Sandhu), who was not even supposed to compete.

A women's tag match saw Inder Mundi and Charlotte Flair defeat Natalya and Bayley, with Sandhu scoring a pinfall. According to reports, Flair was supposed to team up with Kavita Devi, the first-ever Indian-born female WWE Superstar, but Devi had to miss the event due to a family emergency.

Kavita Devi has previously performed on significant platforms as a wrestler. She competed in the Mae Young Classic Tournament and participated in the WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal in 2018.

Inder Mundi, who has wrestled under the name Samara, previously had a shot at the IMPACT Knockouts Championship in 2018. She also trained under Bayley.

What are your thoughts on Inder Mundi's debut match? Let us know in the comments section below.

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