MMA journalist Ariel Helwani shuts down fan for thoughtless statement about tragic Israel terror att

July 2024 · 5 minute read

Renowned MMA journalist Ariel Helwani stands deeply troubled by the appalling and tragic assaults on Israel. In a shocking turn of events, the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel.

This assault involved the infiltration of Hamas fighters into communities near the Gaza Strip, resulting in the tragic deaths of numerous innocent civilians and the horrifying abduction of hostages.

The ongoing tension between Israel and Hamas has been a longstanding and deeply complex issue. While the conflict has historical roots, the recent escalation has brought the region to a critical juncture. Hamas unleashed thousands of rockets at Israel, while dozens of their fighters breached the border, invading Israeli communities. This onslaught led to the loss of many lives, both Palestinian and Israeli.

Israel responded swiftly with air strikes, targeting what they deemed militant sites in Gaza. Local reports indicate a devastating toll, with over 200 people losing their lives.

(Warning: The following video footage depicts scenes from the ongoing clash, which may be distressing and emotionally challenging to viewers. Viewer discretion is strongly advised).

In these turbulent developments, Ariel Helwani has taken to X to express profound sorrow and emphasize the gravity of the situation, joining the global community in its collective concern for the region's well-being and stability. He wrote:

"My heart is broken seeing what is happening in the Middle East right now. I was in Israel in August for the first time in 15 years and was reminded of how special of a place it is and can be for people of all faiths. Today’s scenes are horrific. Truly. Praying for this to end soon with peace in the region once and for all. I’ll never understand how anyone can support this violence. My heart is with all the innocent victims and the families affected. Am Israel chai."

While Ariel Helwani's tweet underscored the enduring complexities and conflicts in the region, one fan advised the MMA journalist to maintain diplomacy in complex situations like the one in Israel. Helwani, known for his outspoken nature and not one to hold back, responded to the fan with a sharp retort, writing:

"My parents had to escape Lebanon in 1976. Because they were Jewish. My grandparents were kidnapped by the PLO and imprisoned in 1980 because they were Jewish. So, no, I will never shut the f**k up about Israel. If that sentiment bothers you, unfollow. Block. All good here."

Check out Ariel Helwani's tweet below:

What is happening in Israel? Ariel Helwani's tweets explained

Veteran MMA journalist Ariel Helwani's name means 'Lion of God' in Hebrew. Helwani has Mizrahi Jewish roots, with a family history connected to various Middle Eastern countries.

His father, originally of Syrian descent but born in Alexandria, Egypt, and his mother, who hails from Beirut, Lebanon, both later settled in Montreal, Canada, due to increasing concerns for the safety of Jews in their respective countries of origin.

Most recently, an alarming conflict unfolded as Hamas fighters invaded Israel via its southern border with Gaza, resulting in Israeli casualties. Thousands of rockets struck Israel, causing over 100 casualties in a single day, marking a grim event in the ongoing conflict. Israel responded with airstrikes, leading to Palestinian deaths.

This situation is unprecedented in the modern Israeli-Palestinian conflict, rooted in ongoing tensions, Israeli occupation, and political factors. The conflict's volatility is exacerbated by factors like recent events in Jerusalem, a right-wing Israeli government, and regional negotiations. Ordinary Israelis and Palestinians bear the brunt, while extremist elements perpetuate violence.

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