New GTA+ membership rewards and benefits announced (January 19

July 2024 · 4 minute read

With the release of the new weekly update for GTA Online, Rockstar Games also introduced fresh benefits for GTA+ members. The service is available on the next-generation consoles, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, and all the subscribers will be able to take advantage of the rewards, offers, and benefits until February 15, 2023.

Although general gameplay will be similar to other players on the platform, paid users will receive additional discounts, money boosts, and free items to collect in the game. Furthermore, Rockstar Games will also provide exclusive benefits for all major and standard updates during the subscription period.

Rockstar Games adds new vehicles, paint jobs, clothing, and much more with new GTA+ membership

On January 19, 2023, Rockstar Games released a Newswire announcing new monthly benefits for GTA+ members on the latest consoles.

While the gaming studio released the Taxi Work side missions for all Grand Theft Auto Online players, paid members can obtain the Vapid Taxi at no cost from the Warstock Cache & Carry website. It will be free for the duration of the subscription, and they can simply claim it to begin their Downtown Cab Co. missions.

Members will also receive double the money on all Taxi Job Tips. They can also use the cab service as a customer for free and receive a waiver on the cost to skip to their destination. While normal users must wait longer to use the Skip feature again, the subscribers are allowed to do so after five minutes.

Rockstar also added two new paint jobs, White Prismatic Pearl and Dark Holographic Chameleon Paints, which are now available for free to all paid members. They can take their eligible vehicles to any Auto Shop or Vehicle Workshop and find them in the Color Group under the Resprays option.

The Acid Lab business is also getting a free Equipment Upgrade benefit with this month’s GTA subscription. If you haven't upgraded the business yet, take it to the Freakshop and do so.

The newly released Gun Van also includes the Trippy Knife and Trippy Baseball Bat skins for all subscribers. Body Armor is also discounted by 40% in the store. According to the official Newswire, the shop will offer additional discounts on all offerings and will always be visible on players' maps.

This month’s freebies include the following:

Lastly, all GTA+ members will receive double money and RP in Special Vehicle Races. While the winner will receive the most cash, others will be eligible for increased rewards as well.

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